Saturday, December 31, 2011

♔Photo&Editing by Me♔

Salam and greeting(s) to all,
Its 2332 and I start writing.
Well less than an hour we'll embrace 2012 I don't really know how to explain this kind of feelings.Melancholy.I love 2011. I learned a lot, I tripped and I stood up and Repeat.
I met many awesome(s) ppl, get to know them is a bless and I swear.
I'm not being exaggerating,I just feel blessed.

To be frankly honest I don't expect those things to happen, Awesome friends and stuffs.Thankyou Allah fr giving me this kind of opportunities.
I can feel this as a gift, or maybe GIFTS.Too much awesomeness.
2400 and 2012 and 1st January, I am Seventeen.
I know i'm lacking.
But please, Pray fr me, I want to be a perfect Muslim, I want flying colors result in my upcoming Spm, I want to be a great daughter to my Mum, I want to make everyone proud of me.
That's it.

Salam 2012, Lets move towars better :')

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